Fire doors and insurance
If you see a Fire Door propped open at home at work or anywhere else. Remove the obstruction and close the door. It’s a matter of life or death. It’s scary to hear, however that’s why there are such things as Fire Doors. They are there to protect us in an emergency and they can give you that vital few minutes to get somewhere safe.
No one likes to think the worst will happen but Imagine if it did?
A fire has started in your home/work/business and you have propped open a Fire Door. Thousands of pounds worth of damage has occurred, you’ve lost all your stock! You have nowhere to go. And now your insurer is rejecting your claim as the fire door was wedged open? Keep it Shut, Keep it Clear, Keep it Insured.
What Types of Insurance should I take out for my Business?
Not all Insurance covers for Fire Damage, however, here are some types of Insurance that could cover the cost in the event of a fire.
If you own the building your business is in adding buildings insurance can protect you against fire damage. You may also want to consider adding fixtures and fittings cover (I.E Display Cabinets, Counter tops, shelving Units).
As an independent business owner consider business interruption insurance. Trying to keep your business afloat during a claim can be a nightmare however Business Interruption Insurance can help! It may help with staff wages; loss of profits and it could even provide you with an Interim payment.
Fire prevention safety tips for your business
- Do you rent the building you run your business from?
Inspect the Fire Door if you believe it is faulty contact your landlord or the buildings management company immediately. Don’t ignore it!
- Prepare an emergency plan
Do you and your employees know what to do and where to go if a fire breaks out?
- Designate a fire warden
Ideally you should have more than one fire warden so if one person is on annual leave or out for a meeting the other person would be there in case of an emergency.
- Know your fire extinguishers
Make sure everyone who oversees Fire safety within your business is aware of the different types of fire extinguishers. A Carbon Dioxide Extinguisher would be no use in a Fish & Chip Shop where the range has set on fire they’re for liquid and electrical fires e.g an office.
- Keep it clear
Keep all fire doors clear and keep them shut. Dispose of any flammable materials such as wastepaper or cardboard boxes. Never block a fire exit for any reason remember it can take less than five minutes for a fire to engulf a property from the moment it begins.
- Stay Safe
Leave your belongings, you can replace them. Don’t panic and don’t run it could save your life. Get to a safe place away from the fire and dial 999. Never go back into a burning building for any reason.
At Adultsure we offer full Business Package quotes tailored to you. If Fire is one of your main concerns, then please contact us we are here to help you in any way we can. Call one of our friendly team today on 01924 499182