Meet our Client Manager – Lucy Thornhill
We were honoured for the invitation from the ETO (Erotic Trade Only) Magazine of an interview with our client manager Lucy Thornhill to discuss every day life and how important adult insurance is to the industry.
What sort of child were you?
An inquisitive one. I asked a lot of questions, but I think I still do.
What was your childhood ambition?
To be a Barrister or a Detective – I love crime and read a lot of books and listen to a lot of podcasts about crime and cold cases!
What ambitions do you still have?
To be happy, successful and continue to drive our family business forward for future generations.
What was your first real job?
On the meat counter in Asda, a truly awful job, especially as I don’t eat meat. Character building, I think they said!
How did you end up at Adultsure?
By default really. I didn’t come straight from Uni and worked for two major crisp manufacturers as an account executive and a supply analyst. I think this was a good thing as when I joined the family business I had some ideas of my own! In terms of ending up as a supplier to the adult industry, I set up Adultsure, which is a trading style of Thornhill Insurance. A friend of
mine, an underwriter at an insurance company, mentioned he thought there was a gap in the market for a modern and forward-thinking insurance broker and that was me sold. I got on Google, made some contacts and Adultsure was born!
What’s the most enjoyable part of your job?
Our team make the job enjoyable. We are a great mixture of people; some with many years of experience, and faces I have grown up with, and some that we are still proudly training to be excellent team members and a great work family. Insurance is also never boring and each day in the office brings new challenges!
What is your favourite industry event?
We are still fairly new to the adult industry so haven’t ventured far, but the ETO Show in 2016 was excellent!
Outside of the office, what do you most enjoy doing?
Spending time with my family and friends. I have a little girl, as well as dogs, horses and sheep, so not much spare time, but I love riding, walking the dogs, and looking after the animals.
What keeps you awake at night?
Nothing! I’m too tired after my 5am alarm!
What is your idea of a perfect Sunday afternoon?
I’d have already ridden and done all the jobs at the stables, so by the afternoon I’d enjoy walking the dogs with my husband and little girl and then we’d go out for some food with all the family.
What are you most looking forward to about 2018?
Growing Adultsure, and going on holiday, obviously!
Do you have any exciting plans lined up for the company this year?
Yes! We have a great team behind us and we are focused on providing the best service and growing the business. We have a fab marketing campaign and are looking to boost our profile.
Do you have any disaster stories?
Some years ago we insured a certain establishment that specialised in bondage. One client booked two ‘assistants’ for the evening and a jolly good time was had by all apparently, until one of the assistants got called home on a minor family emergency – and unfortunately took certain keys with her… The call out fee from the Fire Brigade didn’t come cheap, I can tell you. Underinsurance is a major concern and can cause a normal run of the mill insurance claim to go horribly wrong – there is an explanation all about it on our website, which I would encourage all ETO readers to have a
look at.
What subject do you know more about than anyone else?
Cooking. That’s a lie – I’m totally rubbish.
What’s the best present you’ve ever been given?
My first horse. My Dad and husband would both disagree!
If we gave you £1,000 to spend on yourself today, what would you do with it?
Fly to New York and go to River Café.
What was the last good book you read?
I tend to listen to audiobooks these days as have little time to read anything remotely intellectual. I googled “good book” to make myself look clever and the top three that came up were “Get your shit together,” “Shag yourself
slim” and “The Couple Next Door,” so I don’t think Google is that intellectual either.
What’s the nicest thing anyone has said to you?
Would you like chips with that?
What makes you laugh?
My husband, he’s extremely funny but only in small doses.
Do you have a hidden talent?
I’m good at giving presents to other people that are actually for me. Most recent ones are a 1910 rocking horse I had restored for my daughter (always wanted one!) and a Labrador puppy that I gave to my husband when he really wanted an Apple watch.
Who would be your dream dinner date?
Tom Hanks, James Bond or Oprah Winfrey – or maybe all three.
What three words would your friends use to describe you?
I cheated and asked them. I had “excitable, infectious and passionate,” “adventurous, ambitious and brave” and “beautiful, stylish and responsible.” I have such nice friends!
Do you have any guilty pleasures?
Crème Eggs.
Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us…
I am an identical twin.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
“Smile and don’t say yeah!”
We hope you enjoyed getting to know Lucy that bit more!